Suburban Soiree

Patriotic Parfaits

4th of JulyAmy WileyComment

My kids treat me like a rock star any time I make Jell-O so I couldn't resist coming up with a little red, white and blue treat.


This recipe is so simple, but requires a little patience.  It's best to make throughout the day so that it's ready by evening.  It makes a perfect little dessert for a summer night.

You need red jello, blue jello, and a packet of unflavored gelatin.


Mix up the blue jello according to the package's directions.  I find that mixing Jell-O in a quart-sized measuring cup makes it easy to measure and pour.  


Pour the jello into cups or jars, filling them about 1/3 of the way full.  I used mini mason jars and they worked well.  I did have a little extra blue jello.  Put these in the fridge for a couple of hours to set.  I use a cookie sheet to help me transfer all the jars in and out of the fridge.


For the white layer, put the packet of gelatin into a bowl with 1/3 cup of milk.  Then heat 2/3 cup of milk to a boil, remove from heat, and stir in 1/4 cup of sugar.  Add to the bowl with the gelatin and stir until combined.  Add a thin layer of the milk mixture to each parfait and return to the fridge for a couple more hours.


Mix up the red Jell-o and fill the jars up to just below the tops.


Return the parfaits to the fridge to cool until set.


Whip up some heavy whipping cream with a little powdered sugar to top off your parfaits.


Now for the most festive part... sprinkles!


These refreshing desserts are a great way to celebrate Indepenence Day with a sweet dose of red, white and blue.
