Suburban Soiree


Vacation Reads

BooksAmy WileyComment

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Reading is a favorite hobby of mine and travel always offers the opportunity to binge on books. Between flights, beach days and lazy afternoons I read four great books on our recent trip. These books are all quite different from one another, so there’s something for everyone. If you’re looking for your next read, check these out!


Summer at Tiffany

We’ll start at the top of the stack with my favorite book out of all of these. Summer at Tiffany is a memoir that transports you back to an elegant, exciting time in New York City. It has romance, glamour and a beautiful snapshot of the end of World War 2. This book is an absolute delight! You can just see the glamorous fashion and feel the excitement of being a young woman in the greatest city in the world. I found this book after watching Crazy About Tiffany’s. (It’s a super fun documentary, although a little disjointed and with bad language. Start with the book!)

The Hardest Peace

This is another book I found through a documentary. I bawled my way through “The Long Goodbye: The Kara Tippets” story on Netflix. Her first book, The Hardest Peace, is beautiful and heart-wrenching at the same time. If your life has been closely touched by cancer, you know how the most important aspects of life move to the forefront and the unnecessary fall away. Tippetts shares her deeply personal journey so that we can benefit from focusing on the truly important elements of life here on earth. I found it inspiring, a true gift. I plan to read her other books as well.

Something in the Water

This one quite a pivot from the first two. Something in the Water is my book club’s current pick. This one’s a thriller. Warning, it’s rated R in some parts. It’s gripping, scary, and intriguing. You’ll find this one intense and mysterious. I was guessing the outcome all through it. If you’re up for a wild ride, grab this book!

The Storyteller’s Secret

This one was a recommendation from one of my most well-read friends, so that is always a trustworthy endorsement. The Storyteller’s Secret transports you to India and weaves a tale across decades and generations. I love books that inspire kindness, and this one does just that. It’s heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Amazon describes it as “arrestingly romantic” and I have to agree. The strong women in this book will leave an impression on you.

Those are my most recent reads. What is next on your list?

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