Suburban Soiree


Seasonal Decor

Eye Love Halloween

HalloweenAmy WileyComment

My mom always laughs about the time I told her I have more Halloween decorations than any Christian girl really should.  It's true... I love Halloween.  I'm not into creepy, nasty Halloween, though.  I'm in it for the cute kids in costumes, smiley Jack-o-lanterns, whimsy, and of course... the candy.  When I see Halloween items start to show up at Homegoods, I hyperventilate a little.  It's just fun!

I've collected my decorations over many years and I always enjoy finding a few new items each year.  This time around I've noticed I'm drawn to eyeballs.  That's right, eyeballs!  They are in the "cute not creepy" category.  Trust me.


A couple of years ago I bought four "eyes" at Target to hang from my breakfast nook chandelier.  This year I found glittery eyeball garlands at Hobby Lobby to add to them.


I picked up this little canister at my grocery store of all places.  My eye was drawn to it.  Ha.  It holds my Dove dark chocolate pumpkins... or as my kids call them, "Mommy chocolates."


These eyeball magnets are from Target too.  Nothing like having your fridge stare back at you!


I love the little eyes on this vase.  It's from the Target Dollar Spot a couple of years ago.  I have two of them and use them for candy or flowers too.


Zulily strikes again with this eye-catching bracelet.


Also at the grocery store, eyeballs you freeze and put in your drink!


I'll use these for a little cousin party we're throwing along with these...

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Are the gummy eyeballs a bit much?  "A bit much" is just right for me!